a python password manager
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Release | Changes | Date |
v1.2 | <ul><li>fix resolving resource path bug</li><li>support for running w/o invoking python</li></ul> | 7/9/2020 |
v1.1 | <ul><li>Complete code refactoring</li><li>Fix .exe bugs</li><li>Reorganization under the hood</li></ul> | 8/9/2019 |
v1.0 | <ul><li>FIRST RELEASE!!</li></ul> | 11/24/2017 |
For Windows: Download the Lokr.exe.zip file
For other systems: Download the source code
NOTE: Source Code folders contain the Python script for the program. You will need a Python interpreter in order to run.
For Windows: Download the Lokr.exe.zip file
For other systems: Download compatible Source Code for your system.
NOTE: Source Code folders contain the Python script for the program. You will need a Python interpreter in order to run.
Move .exe or .py files to your current Lokr folder(the one from your very first installation) and replace the old program.
NOTE: Be careful to not replace the .lokrdata directory!!
python3 Lokr.py
in the Lokr directory(macOS/Linux) or double click on the Lokr icon(Windows) or run your Automator app(macOS).My passwords do not show up!
Make sure the .lokr file associated with your account is in the .lokrdata directory. The .lokrdata directory also has to be in the same directory as the Lokr program.
My username and passwords are incorrect!
First, double check that the username and password info is correct. If that is all correct, make sure that the usrs.ulockr file is in the .lokrdata directory, which should be in the same directory as the Lokr program.
usrname: c
pwd: c